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CERTeM research group

Tours university / CNRS

GREMAN laboratory UMR 7347 - Research laboratory on materials, microelectronics, acoustics and nanotechnology (Tours university / CNRS / INSA Centre-Val de Loire)

PCM2E laboratory Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Electrolytes for Energy (Tours university)


STMicroelectronics Tours is a manufacturer of semiconductor electronic components


Vermon is the world leader in composite piezoelectric transducers

Orleans university / CNRS

GREMI laboratory UMR 7344 - Research Group in the Energetics of Ionized Media

ICMN laboratory UMR 7374 - Interfaces, Containment, Materials and Nanostructures

CEA Le Ripault

CEA Le Ripault - French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission - is a research organization specialized in the development of new materials.